Hello Lovely Friends and Family,
I have been guided to draw a card for the Solar Eclipse today.
As most of us are aware, the alignment of the planets and the moon phases greatly effect the energy that surrounds us. We may notice emotional and physical shifts and changes along side of these planetary energies.
Today’s shift is a very powerful one. When the Earth, Moon and Sun come into alignment it creates an amplified time to send our prayers out to the Universe and bring alignment to our dreams.
Though it’s best to pray and meditate when the Solar Eclipse is physically visible around us, I have asked Archangel Raziel, Merlin and Archangel Metatron to hold the power of this energy to when you receive this message. Trusting that you won’t miss this Divine Opportunity.
In the theme of Manifestation, it’s important to align your thoughts and feelings to creation of what you want. Being aware of what you are currently ‘putting out’ there is going to have an extra impact today. So if you’ve been running on the theme of negativity, overwhelm or fear today, it’s never to late to choose to be positive and change your frame of mind.
Breathe and silence your mind and focus on what you love about your life and what you would love to attract into your life.
The Goddess Card that came forward for this message today is Green Tara

The Mantra Om Tare, Tuttare Ture Svaha can be used to invoke the presence of Green Tara.
I myself just call upon her and she has always come forward.
Green Tara is amazing for invoking Compassion, Protection, Removing and Overcoming Obstacles and Fears and she helps you to Understand the Wisdom and Insights that are offered to us.
Her energy can be quite intense, as she is known as the ‘Speedy’ Goddess who will rapidly come to your aid and help shift that which you might need help with.
She is a very loving warrior spirit that aligns you to the wisdom you need with ease, speed, love, benevolence and grace.
She asking that you call her forward to help you find clarity and deeper meaning to what you truly want out of your life.
The perfect Goddess to align you with the already powerful shifts of the eclipse.
Take the time to sit with your breath and clear your mind. Ask Green Tara to support you in ways that are divinely aligned with your Highest Light and Order and Greatest Good. Ask her to help you hear the Divine Guidance that is being offered and offer assistance to take the actions that will change your life.
Call upon this incredible Goddess and Enjoy the Creation of your day!