Hello to all of you Magnificent Beings!
I was away at a Goddess Retreat this weekend and I had a really profound healing happen. The beautiful part of the release is that I now have permission from Michael to share the message that I received from him in Portugal.

Archangel Michael
“Be here in this moment, for this moment alone is the beauty of why you’re here. Though this moment may be filled with intense emotion or deep joy and gratitude, keep coming back to here.
Breathe, always breathe. Your breath is the key to healing and harmony. Be alive and grounded. Explore your heart and your outer world. There is so much beauty that you are so scared to see. Ask for my help to uncover these parts that feel afraid and allow me to guide you.
Always come back to the heart.”
If you’re unsure of how to work with Archangel Michael, all you have to do is call upon him. You can think, speak or write to him and he’ll know. Tell him what you would like help with and give him permission to help you. He may guide you to start writing, read a certain book, get outside and play or he may guide you to someone for healing. Pay attention to repeating messages as they are signs he will be sending you.
Trust your own intuition.
It’s important to remember that there is nothing too small or minute that stands before you. If it is important to you, it is important to the angels.
As for myself, I have been guided to send out an invitation to book a reading with me for the first week of December. I will be offering Start the New Year with Intention readings. During this reading I will pull a couple cards for each month of the year. It allows you to have something tangible to keep bringing yourself back to your intention. For myself , I never quite understand why a certain card comes up, though I find by the time I reach it I know 100% why it was there to guide me along. In this reading I will also include a card for this December as a offering of closure for 2014.
I will also be offering healings as well if you are craving some relaxation and release. Michael will be working with me quite strongly for this time. He wants to really honour those who are willing to make the changes they need in their lives to live their true essence here on Earth.
If you’re interested in working with me check it out here.
Many Blessings and Love to you all!