Angelic Alchemy are sessions that I co-created with the Angels to bring forward great healing and transformation in more of a gentle approach.
Your angels and guides have been with you since before the day you were born. They know you better than anyone and exactly what you need to move forward.
In our Angelic Alchemy sessions, I work with your personal team of angels and guides to channel wisdom specifically for you.
I co-create each session with you and your team, tailored specifically to what is going on in your life and what is in your highest and greatest good at this time.

Some of the tools I use in these sessions include;
~ Angelic Reiki
~ Channelled Soul Songs
~ Guided Meditations
~ Direct Support and Guidance from your Archangels, Ascended Masters, Galactic Councils, Goddesses and Guides
~ Oracle Card Readings
Regardless of which method they request we use, I always trust they know what is in alignment for your Highest and Greatest Good. And through it all, you will have your spiritual posse of amazing beings at your side, so you can feel safer and more supported as you take the next steps forward on your journey.
Feeling a wholehearted yes?
Book your session below.
Feel curious and feel drawn in, but have questions?
Bright, insightful, able to read deep into an individual’s needs, and of course completely angelic!
I have nothing but amazing things to say about Richelle Payer herself, and the work she does. I’ve been going to her for sessions for almost three years now. Within these three years I can say that I have grown emotionally, mentally and of course spiritually by leaps and bounds with the help of her guidance and healing services. She is able to pinpoint exactly what I need every session and no one session is the same. Kind, caring and patient she is able to hold the space for an individual through whatever they are processing at the time. Her ability to communicate clearly and concisely to the angelic realm makes her stand out within the energy healing community.
She has helped me through heart break, spiritual growing pains, emotional trauma (current and past life), to dealing with aspects of myself that sometimes we think we want to leave in the shadows. Though, time and time again she has shown me gently (unless I need more of the honest blunt truth, which hey who doesn’t every once and awhile!) that once we face our demons we can grow and become our brighter and more authentic selves.
I would recommend Richelle to everyone as I truly believe she is able to assist with anything anyone is going through or being challenged with. If you are looking for an energetic healer, or looking for someone connected to the angelic realm look no further for Richelle is the full package. I’ve been truly blessed to have crossed paths with her, and will be forever grateful to her and the services she shares. With all the love and light thank you Richelle!